Company News

CRU Ryan’s Notes Ferro Alloys Conference Miami 2019

Devici Alloys B.V. plans to attend the CRU Ryan’s Notes Ferro Alloys Conference Miami 2019. Looking forward seeing you ther…

MMTA’s International Minor Metals Conference 24/4/2013 – Washington DC

Devici Alloys attends MMTA’s International Minor Metals Conference, Washington DC, USA from 24/4/2013 till 26/4/2013. As usual the programme will be the focus of this event with an excellent line-up of speakers. A good number of attendees are expected again in 2013 following on from this year’s conference in Cologne which attracted around 250 participants.

The leading event for t…

Ryan’s Notes Ferroalloys Conference 28/10/2012 – Miami

Devici Alloys will be attending the annual Ryan’s Notes Ferroalloys Conference in Miami on 28-30 October 2012.

The eighteenth annual Ryan’s Notes Ferroalloys Conference will stick to its tried-and-true tradition of respecting the industry and the way it does business. In a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere, delegates will have optimal amounts of time to meet privately with colleagues, attend two…

London Metal Exchange annual dinner 16/10/2012 – London

The London Metal Exchange annual dinner, London, UK that will be held on 16/10/2012 will be attended by Mr. Dènis van de Merwe, Managing Director of Devici Alloys B.V.
Come and join the MMTA for the 39th Anniversary Dinner during London Metals Week at the InterContinental Park…